The technology revolution has created an insatiable consumer appetite for convenience. Whether it’s the all-inclusive resort, shopping at Walmart and The Home Depot, or your iPhone 12, people now expect to have everything they want and need at their fingertips.
This transformation–and the expectation of convenience that follows–is just starting to take hold in the truckload space. We believe that truckload carriers of all shapes and sizes will soon expect to find everything they want and need to manage their fleets in one platform. Platforms have tried and many have failed to create this experience because of their inability to replicate the external loadboard inside carrier operating systems.
That’s why we are excited to announce our DAT integration into the First Digital Carrier Platform. Our customers are excited about the possibility of creating a convenience never before seen for carriers in the truckload space.
The Kamion - DAT integration–and others like it–will provide carriers:
- A single entry point to most of the demand available nationwide (via DAT and Loadsmart today, Uber and CH Robinson soon)
- Sort & filter loads using criteria relevant to your operation such as truck and load number, pickup and dropoff info, status, rates, weight, mileage and deadhead
- Instantly accept loads you find without having to manually build them (from marketplaces that offer this such as Loadsmart)
- See suggestions of follow-up loads for your trucks based on their location and availability
- Automatically post available capacity to DAT and other load boards to reduce asset idle time
- Create load price benchmarks making it easier for trucking companies to train their personnel on which one is the best load.
With this functionality operators are spared precious time and headspace otherwise spent switching between multiple loadboards. By filtering loads to find the most interesting rates in the shortest time, carriers should expect to improve their productivity and dispatching experience, resulting in higher profit margins.
We also integrate with Loadsmart, a loadboard provider that allows you to programmatically accept loads. This further reduces transaction times through digital communication to the broker of the operator's intention to accept the load, and simultaneously adding that load's information into the Kamion dashboard.